

Elawan works every day to continue producing clean and safe energy. 

Our activity

Elawan´s activity is producing and selling renewable energy. To accomplish it, Elawan complies in a few phases to be developed internally like developing, constructing, operating and maintaining of renewable energy projects.


Elawan is in continues developing, looking to increase its influence area through opening new markets and consolidating the current ones. To accomplish this purpose Elawan has an international team who look for new opportunities.


Elawan constructs renewable energy projects with its own team focusing on accomplishing the aims of the execution of every project.

Operation and maintenance

Elawan has a team and its own control center which focusses on controlling at real-time monitoring the production of it wind farms, photovoltaic and hydropower plants and also the maintenance of them

Sale of energy

Energy selling is the purpose to start developing projects. Elawan is looking for contributing of renewable energy in the different energy markets in the ones Elawan participates.

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